Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What a Difference 4 Years Makes

Facebook was kind enough to remind me today that it is Michael's and my four year anniversary of moving to Sydney. Little did we know when we uprooted and packed up our lives and travelled across the Pacific into the unknown that we would still be here, on the path to citizenship, and expecting a baby at this point. We didn't know what friends we would make and where our travels would take us.

The first few weeks here were frustrating - getting started and dealing with the mundane bureaucracy of starting accounts, and finding somewhere to live. Getting the cats over here was an ordeal. The best thing we did in that first week was finding the local ultimate frisbee club and meeting people, many of whom we are still friends with. After that first year of really getting settled and feeling more like we belonged here, we have had so many amazing opportunities that we wouldn't have had otherwise. It's changed the way we look at the world and the way of our life in native country. The world has changed too, in the time we have been here. Our friends and families have undergone big and small life changes too - births, deaths, and all the milestones in-between. We have maintained our double life, staying in contact with those at home and visiting when possible, and building our friendships and life here. 

We anticipate another 1.5-2 years here, and I can't even imagine what those years will have in store.

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