Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Charterstone (Board Game Nerd Post Alert)

Mike and I finished Charterstone, a worker-placement legacy game, and it was pretty fun. It's not as gripping as Pandemic Legacy: Season 1, but it's still pretty fun in a lighter way. The general consensus seems to be that if you play, you should have at least four players. If you don't have four real players, play with the automa rules. We had talked to an acquaintance of ours who is even more of a boardgame aficionado than we are (like, he writes a critic blog only about games, posts videos online, works at a game store, goes to international conventions, and can be super serious about games, which is kind of paradoxical), and he kind of had a more lax attitude and put less into it than we did and and got less out of it. He played with less than the recommended number and thought the game was slower and less interesting. So, I guess the lesson is if you want to do it, get into it. If you don't want to, don't bother. It's funny to me that we took it more seriously than someone who considers games their life's calling. We even put on corny renn faire music in the background. Anyway, what's the point of games if you don't make them fun? It was kind of  like when we played Tokaido, a Japanese themed boardgame where you are travelling a road and staying at inns along the way. When we played, whenever the characters would stop at an inn for the night and eat, we would get out a different plate of snacks, and it was ridiculous and fun. When your game piece left the inn, you were no longer allowed to partake in snacking until the next inn. 

It's all fun and games.... (there's no catch, this time).

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