Monday, January 15, 2018


Sometimes, when you're just browsing through all the stuff that's out there on Netflix or Hulu or any of these other streaming apps, and you just realize at least 90% of what is out there is total crap. You just want to watch something that you already know is going to be perfect for the mood you're in. 

There are just some movies that you could re-watch over and over again - ones you usually end up revisiting once a year or every few years. Everybody has a few - maybe some leftover from childhood that just make you feel nostalgic or you're just in the mood for them at certain times of the year. I have some that are just mine, and Michael and I have some that we just come back to again and again. Sometimes you notice something new, you repeat familiar lines, usually you end up saying stuff like, "I always wondered why at this part...", or you talk about the little plot holes or details that don't make that much sense that you choose to ignore. 

One of those movies for us is Truman Show. There's just something timeless about the theme accepting the world with which you are presented, and the trust you place in the people and society around you, without question. It's one of those movies that makes you think of a thousand questions about the lives of the characters before and after the movie. It also happens to have a pretty good cast. I love the archtype of Christof, played so well by Ed Harris, this guy who is a genius as what he does, who has made this world where he is a god, and yet he makes mistakes. Anyway, we recently re-watched it again, and it was enjoyable as it always is. 

I know I've shown this or a similar scene before before, but why not... (spoiler alert)

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