Thursday, January 25, 2018


So I went to pre-natal yoga with a friend yesterday and I ended up having to drive her to the hospital because she was showing signs of pre-labor. We had time to get some delicious brunch before going, since when we had called the hospital at first, they just said to wait before coming in and to call back in a little while. It actually worked out quite well, since I didn't have any other plans for the afternoon, she is giving birth at the same hospital I am, and I got to see how not-insane it can be. TV and movies make it seem very dramatic, but she was very calm and she wasn't really in much pain for the hours I was around. She was just pacing around and could carry on a normal conversation and laugh like normal. Obviously as things progress they aren't as easy, but the beginning didn't seem so terrible. Since things for her were slow to progress, the worst part right now is probably that she has to wait so long, which is fine if you're not in much pain. As far as I know, she still hasn't had the baby, and I'm coincidentally going to be back at the hospital later today for an ultrasound. So, I plan to drop off some non-hospital food/necessities for her and her husband since I'm headed there anyway. 

I had originally joked about the fact that I might have to take her to the hospital, since we were hanging out a day after her due date, and then the nurses and midwives would be confused as to who was in labor, and then it really kind of happened. The only time they were confused was when I came out of the labor ward to direct in the husband in who was coming from work, and someone thought I was a woman in labor who had come out without checking out, maybe running away, and I had to explain that I had just brought my friend in and that I was fine. Until that point, she looked very confused and concerned. 

Then later, when the three of us, my friend, her husband, and I were sitting in her room waiting to see what they would say (I was waiting to see if I could get dropped off at home or if I needed to take a bus or something), and the husband introduced himself as "the father", the midwife made a strange facial expression. Then I said, "I'm just a friend that happened to be with her and bring her in, I'm not a sister-wife or anything", and the midwife gave another strange look and didn't really respond (and of course the three of us were laughing). I guess since it's a public hospital they might get some couples with unusual circumstances in from time to time, so they try not to react too much? Either way, we were amused. 

After this baby friend comes, ours is next on the waitlist. 

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