Monday, January 15, 2018

Hit me, baby, one more time

This weekend there was a lot of baby prep. We (mostly Michael) put together the bassinet, had a meeting with our doula, and then had our class at the hospital on Sunday. So far our doula has been very helpful and it's just good to know that when we do have to deal with labor and a new baby that we will have someone around who is knowledgable, calm, and supportive, since we don't have a lot of support around otherwise. The classes have been a little bit helpful - a handful of new pieces of info, but mostly stuff we've heard before and will definitely hear again (or have the resources to look up). This morning I went and sorted out some Centrelink stuff, so I'll be able to get my paid parental leave when it's time.

The weather has cooled off for a few days; it's really nice to get a break from the heat. This week will probably be pretty quiet/normal. Mike is leaving for a ski trip on the weekend (it is weird that a lot of time those have to get planned during our summer when you're living in the Southern Hemisphere). We are calling it his "Last Hurrah" before the baby comes. I'll be here since I can't travel very far much these days - I'll have a few appointments and a few fun things and pool days planned, and a lot of taking it easy. School starts again the last week in January, and I'm planning to work a few days during the weeks at the beginning of the term before I just go into full nesting and resting mode. 

It seems like a lot of people we know are going on fun and interesting trips around the world right now. It seems like every time I open my Instagram or Facebook, I get to look at pictures from exotic locales on literally every different continent. I guess now I know what it was like to be other people looking at my feeds for a while, now that I'm more restricted from travel than I have been. I suppose it's only fair. We are hopeful that after the baby comes we will still get to go on a few fun trips, and we already have some in the works (in the brainstorming phase so far, anyway). 

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