Friday, January 19, 2018

Lazer Kiwi Jr.

Yay for Jacinda Ardern and her family, and for New Zealand! She was elected the youngest ever prime minister of New Zealanad last year, and she has just announced that she and her partner are expecting a baby later in 2018. This is simply something you don't hear about ever happening, and I think it's so great New Zealand will set the precedent of having a prime minister transition into motherhood. The government has a plan in place for her maternity leave, and her partner will be a stay-at-home father. As someone who is also becoming a first time mom, I have much respect for a woman who is up for the task while simultaneously running a country. And, good on the other government officials who are showing how to work as a real team so that the woman can go on maternity leave without having to be guilted for making decisions all grown women should be entitled to make, regardless of their job titles. Having a baby shouldn't have to mean that you put your life completely on hold and make your career suffer. Rock on, kiwis.

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