Saturday, January 20, 2018

I know you are, but what am I?

So, as predicted, the week ends with the US government shutting down. The White House issued an official statement that calls the Democrats "obstructionist losers". An offical government statement has the word "losers" in it. An official statement that passed many adults' eyes and judgment has the word "losers" in it.That's not a story from The Onion or the Borrowitz Report. Let's ignore the idea for a moment that everyone is subjectively deciding who deserves blame, and that in this moment it doesn't really matter. There are three branches of government whose job it is to run the country, all three of them are controlled by the same political party, and that party and can't make up their minds what they want or how to do anything, but somehow they are trying to blame the minority for "hold[ing] our lawful citizens hostage". What really matters is that all of the adults in both parties cannot do their jobs and sit in a room together and come up with a working budget. Stop pointing fingers and do your damn jobs. If any one of us doesn't do our job, we get fired. If anyone of us name-calls other adults at work, we get fired. If I am teaching a class and kids are calling each other names, they get in trouble. Why is the bar so low for the US government?!

The founding fathers would be so proud of how far we've come. 

Melania, your actual anti-bulliying campaign can start any day now. You don't get paid anyway, so the shutdown shouldn't affect you. 

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