Friday, July 13, 2018

Rolling, Cleaning, Eating, etc.

Penelope can now roll over, and she is determined to crawl. She is learning and growing bigger every day, and can now bounce by herself in her bouncer (although, she doesn't last that long). She loves the swings and slide at the playground. She spends a lot of her waking time, most days, with her mom, but loves playing and taking naps with her dad too. She's a joy to be around.

For the first time ever, we had a professional cleaning service come and just clean our apartment. We normally clean and tidy up things as much as we can, but it's really hard to find the time with a baby. And, when you have the time, you usually can't be very loud (ie: vacuum), or your tired or having something else that you need to attend to. It was nice to be able to leave for an hour and a half with Penelope, and come back to a clean apartment. We won't do it very often, but probably every few months it'll be worth it.  

We also spontaneously went to have dinner at Ippudo, a neighborhood Japanese place, this week. We hadn't been in several months, and it was more delicious than I remember. Penelope was on her best behavior too. We might have to bring her out there more often. 

I found time to swim and run a little bit. We facetimed a little bit with family, and Mike's mom celebrated a birthday. Mike is working, but getting ready with his team for their trip to Canada for the ultimate frisbee masters (aka: old guys) worlds tournament soon. It was a pretty ordinary week.

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