Friday, July 20, 2018

Humming Puppy

I did yoga again for the first time recently, since having Penelope. On the one hand, some things were a lot easier because I didn't have a big belly in the way and I didn't feel like a cow. On the other hand, some things were harder because my back was so tight from not having done any big twists in about a year. 

I finally went to Humming Puppy with my friend, Holly. She gets around to a lot of yoga studios around the city because she gets a discount for working at a well-known yoga apparel company. She had been telling me about how this was the fanciest place around, and it happens to be the closest one to me. Literally, I can walk there in a minute. They have a cheaper rate for people new to the studio, so that always helps get me in the door. 

What makes it the fanciest one around? All the decor is pretty posh, and everything's clean and doesn't smell, like most yoga studios. Also, you get to help yourselves to really fancy teas and cool coconut water. The mats and props are all laid out for you at each spot already, and you don't have to put anything away when you're done. There's also literally a constant hum in the background. According to their website, this is what it's about (scroll down to "The Hum in Humming Puppy"). I'm not sure if it actually makes a difference, but I suppose it adds to the ambiance. 

I don't know how often I'll go after the intro period, just because it is definitely more expensive than other places. But, the convenience factor is huge since I have limited time that I can be away from Penelope most days. 

It's good to be back at the mat, even if only occasionally. 

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