Wednesday, July 18, 2018

His Name is Reek

It's taken me a few days to think about what we witnessed from the US president in Helsinki. The fact that they had a closed door meeting with no other people other than translators, and no cameras was weird to begin with. Then, I've never seen a world leader, from anywhere, so weakly and cowardly betray his own government and people while concurrently praising a foreign country and authoritarian dictator. It was like something out of the twilight zone. What happened to "America First"? I can think of few plausible reasons other than that Putin really does have something he's holding over the president, and that something must be pretty bad. 

And then a day later, #45 issued the bizarre statement where he pretended to walk-back what he said, but it didn't really make sense, and then he added on a sentence that just pretty much negated his walk-back anyway. An even if it had been convincing, it didn't make sense that he or his office would wait a whole day to correct a mistake.

On the one hand, it's hard to say I'm surprised because we have gotten used to this "leader" acting like a buffoon over and over again. On the other hand, it was so nuts that even some of his beloved Fox News cronies admitted how bizarre and inappropriate it was. 

We've already known for some time now that this is who he is. If those that can act continue to do nothing, they are complicit in the dismantling and degradation of the US democracy. It should go without, saying at this point, that I am disgusted with a large portion of the US government.

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