Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom

Penelope and I went to go see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom yesterday at Prams at the Pix. She's becoming a pro at the movies, now that she's been to four in the theater. The movie was pretty predictable by Jurassic standards. There was the ongoing argument about people playing god and messing with nature, another genetically-modified-most-deadly dinosaur, character/characters with ulterior motives to make money off the dinosaurs, BD Wong, a million close calls where characters we like almost die but then are completely fine, a kid/kids almost getting eaten, danger of the dinosaurs breaking out of where they are to wreak havoc on the wider population, etc. And, who doesn't love Chris Pratt? The premise that they should return to the island while a huge volcano erupts was silly, but whatever. Don't worry, I turned Penelope away from the scary parts and put her special sound earmuffs on for any loud parts. She even slept for about a half hour towards the end. It wasn't the best of all the Jurassic films, but I don't think it was the worst. It was a pleasant enough way to spend midday on a Wednesday. 

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