Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Regression, Atlanta, and Lucky Number Seven

Of course, just when I talked about how Penelope is getting onto a schedule and doing pretty well, she hits what is known as the three month sleep regression. So, she's back to sleeping shorter amounts of time and wakes up more easily, apparently due to all the cognitive growth going on. So, even though it's a little bit annoying, overall it's temporary and a good thing. We have friends whose baby is a few weeks older than Penelope, and when they started going through it, they were so frustrated. They had been trying so hard to get their son on a schedule, and this regression made everything go haywire. My friend felt like everything they'd done was kind of futile, since it's already out the window. So, even though I take no pleasure in their struggle, I guess it makes me feel a little better about the fact that Penelope has yet to fully get on a schedule yet. We'll all get there eventually. 

Luckily, I have been keeping myself occupied with season 2 of Atlanta, which I am just in awe of. I love that they have managed to pull off a smart show that combines comedy, social commentary, and occasionally suspense. I most recently watched the Teddy Perkins episode and they did an incredible job making something intense and eerie, and yet a few parts were still funny. It leaves the viewer with a lot to think about - I'm not sure yet what exactly they were trying to say, but it's stuck with me - which was perhaps the point.. Without spoiling too much, one of the characters goes to answer an ad for a free piano, and it gets weird really fast, and then gets only weirder. Another fantastic episode this season was the one where Earn goes to Oktoberfest, and the show comedically points out how awkward some cultural celebrations like that can feel for black people who attend. Anyway, Atlanta deserves all the awards its earned so far, and then some. 

Finally, Michael and I just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. The first wedding anniversary after having a baby and when you don't have anyone to babysit is a pretty low-key one, but a milestone nonetheless.

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