Saturday, June 23, 2018

All in a Week's Work

It's official - in case there was any doubt - Penelope's Australian citizenship certificate has arrived in the mail. Also this week, Penelope and I went to see Oceans 8 at Prams at the Pix (which was average but entertaining enough), we went to a fun game night at friends' house, I had a mums group meeting at The Tramsheds, and Michael and I found time in-between that stuff to workout. All in a week's work. 

The never-ending chain of paperwork continues as I prep Penelope's passport application, and gather everything we need to apply for Australian citizenship next month. Applying for a police background check here was infinitely easier than when we had to apply for an FBI one about two years back. Then in a month or so, I'll have to file our Aussie taxes, another thing that is infinitely easier here than it is in the states.

This after noon, we have yet another going away get-together for some Irish friends who are moving away. It's a bummer, but there's a good chance we will see them again somewhere around the world. The downside of knowing having interesting international friends is that some among them are always in flux. 

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