Saturday, June 2, 2018

How is it June already?

It's hard to believe Penelope is already three months old. She is now pretty good at holding up her head, close to rolling over, and she is starting to get into a more regular napping/sleep pattern. She enjoys songs with hand movements that are up in the air, dancing in the mirror with her mom, "exercising" with her dad, being social with everyone so far, and trying to say "Oh, yeah" back at you when you say it to her. She is at her smiliest in the morning.

One of Michael's good friends from here recently moved to Vancouver. We actually were able to video chat with him and play a boardgame successfully this morning, and while keeping the baby relatively happy at the same time (while not being the center of attention).  As if we needed more people to video chat with in different time zones. 

Other than that, it's been mostly a "life admin" kind of weekend so far - running errands and the usual taking care of Penelope. As the weather gets colder, and the next few days may be on and off rainy, we are happy to spend more time inside.

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