Sunday, June 17, 2018

Incredibles 2

Note to self: when seeing a movie in the theater with a baby, make sure there is a baby in the movie, so other people in the theater can't really tell if the sounds they hear are from the audience are the movie, and therefore, cannot be annoyed with you. That's what we did, and other than the fact that we possibly overstimulated Penelope temporarily, it was a success. Who's cooing? Who's fussing? Is it Jack-Jack? Is it Penelope? Who's to say? It also helps to see movies in theaters that have big recliner seats, since they're comfy and spacious enough to feed or hold a small child. 

Incredibles 2 was entertaining enough, and it touched on some gender equality issues, as well as an interesting parental quandary: do you teach your kids that it is right to obey the law, or do you teach them that if you don't think laws are right, they should be challenged? It seemed appropriate during these times when the US government is doing questionable things. It was mostly lighthearted, though, and I particularly enjoyed the moment when the tween daughter is upset, turns herself invisible, but still very obviously is crying while walking to the fridge and taking out a pint of ice cream to go eat and sulk. We've all been there. Also, a scene with a baby righting a raccoon? Good times. Bonus: characters voiced by Catherine Keener and Bob Odenkirk.

Pixar has set a very high bar for themselves in past years. I wouldn't say this is even close to my favorite Pixar movie, but it was still an enjoyable one. I am a fan of their short films too, and Bao (shown before Incredibles 2) was really good. I also just found out it's the first Pixar short directed by a woman - a woman who started working for Pixar as an intern, relatively not that long ago. 

Needless to say, we got to see Penelope transfixed again this weekend. She could not keep her eyes off the screen, even though I'm sure she had no idea what she was looking at. Surprisingly, she didn't get scared during any loud scenes or action sequences. Looks like there's another Pixar fan in the our household now. 

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