Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Pour Some Sugar On Me

Today, I partook in the infamous blood glucose test. You have to fast from 10PM the night before the test. They take your blood. They make you drink this super sweet drink. Then, you wait an hour and they take your blood again. Then, you wait an hour and they take your blood again. It's not a typo that I said that twice. I was warned beforehand that some women have a horrible time, they feel ill and need to vomit. If you vomit, they make you go through the whole thing again. Some women get headaches or get lightheaded. Some feel a sugar rush and then crash. Me? I felt mostly fine and normal. But, what does that mean? Is that good or bad? Does it correlate to anything at all? Maybe it helped that I ate too big of a dinner last night and so I wasn't as starving as some other people are when they normally take the test? Maybe it helped that I hydrated in the morning and walked the 1.5km to the appointment, so I was better able to metabolize the sweet stuff? I have no idea. 

After taking the test, I chatted with some friends that had had it, and I looked up how people online said they had reacted to the test. There seemed to be little or no correlation between who got sick or didn't get sick, and who found out they had gestational diabetes. 

So, now we wait for results. I have no reason to think that anything is amiss, but lots of women who have gestational diabetes never show any symptoms and find out from the blood test. Fingers are crossed. 

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