Sunday, December 10, 2017

Oh, Hi Mark.

Yesterday, Michael and I went to see The Disaster Artist. We enjoyed it, but I can't stress enough that in order to get it, you really need to have seen The Room first (if possible, in its entirely and at a theater screening for full effect of the lack of continuity and for what a social experience it has become). Otherwise, it will lack a lot of meaning. Michael said he was surprised that he thought The Disaster Artist was less of a comedy, and more of an accurate account of what happened, because he expected it to make fun of the original movie more. They really did incredibly accurate shot-for-shot recreations from the original movie that were very impressive, and they paid homage to the best lines. The movie also had a really great cast with a lot of cameos - I suppose this isn't too big of a surprise considering who made it.

I had recently listened to a podcast featuring Seth Rogen where he talks about how they had the unique challenge of not just making fun of the movie and the director, but really trying to show that the director was a passionate emotional, and sincere guy, even if he is very strange. And that, even though The Room is a movie that everyone watches because it's so bad, why is it so different and special compared to the million other bad movies that have been made that people don't watch anymore? 

Anyway, it was an enjoyable, somewhat meta experience.

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