Thursday, December 28, 2017

Baby Kingdom Success

When you are becoming a first-time parent, there are literally a thousand decisions to make. Public or private hospital? Should we get certain vaccines immediately or wait a week or two? What kind of car seat should we get? What kind of bassinet/co-sleeper? Do we need a swing? Breastfeeding is almost not even a question you're not allowed to ask here (it's pretty much assumed you will, and health professionals will guilt you heavily if you choose not to for whatever reason or can't), but what system are you going to use and what brand of pump are you going to buy to help you be successful? If I buy this set of bottles, will it be compatible with others/easy to find this brand again to buy replacements? How much time are you going to take off work? Etc. And that's just the beginning before you even start actually parenting and disciplining and sleep training and potty training and all that stuff. I imagine that 30, 50, or 100 years ago, people were not asking themselves quote this many questions. There weren't as many choices back then. 

Luckily, when you get some items second hand, some of the decisions get made for you. Since we are getting a used pram from a friend, that determined what kind of compatible carseat we would buy, for the occasional times we will even take the baby in a car anywhere. We survived our main big trip to the Baby Kingdom. It helped that I had already hunter-gathered some new and used stuff in the last weeks, so we only really had a few last decisions to make. To their credit, the Baby Kingdom staff did a pretty good job of having enough staff available to help you, answer questions, and their loading dock was really efficient. 

So, now our apartment has more stuff in it and we have so far kept it from becoming too cluttered. I'm sure that will eventually change, but for now it's alright. We are on track.

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