Sunday, December 10, 2017

Anti-social Social Media

I had noticed for the last few weeks that responses to my Facebook posts had gone down pretty much to zero. This confused me since up until a certain point, I would regularly get several likes or responses to random posts here or there. The thought crossed my mind that I had been added to some secret list of people who were being blocked for posting subversive content, or something like that. Or, maybe I had posted something that had gone too far, and everyone had had enough and blocked me. I was wondering, "Should I continue to post if it appears that nobody appears to be reading what I write?... I can... but what is the point if I do? Is it more important for me to post something I think or care about, or more important that someone else sees it and/or responds?". I suppose these questions get to the nature of social media to being with. I did end up continuing to post, anyway. 

As it turns out, neither of my conspiracy theories was the case. Somehow, during some post, I had accidentally set my preferences to only show my posts to one particular friend. Now that the problem is fixed, my posts are visible to all my friends again. Does it matter that nobody is going to now pay attention to the older posts I made for the last few weeks? Not really. 

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