Sunday, March 5, 2017

Survivor: The Basin

This past weekend we went on a Survivor-themed camping trip with a group of friends at The Basin in Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park. You have to take a ferry from Palm Beach to get there, and there are swamp wallabies everywhere. There is also a beautiful shallow lagoon that has some stingrays meandering around in it. It was the perfect setting. The highlight of my weekend was poking my head out of the tent this morning to see Martin (who is ordinarily very quiet and introverted) chasing a little wallaby who was hopping away and weaving around tents with a full, unopened bag of Grain Waves chips in its mouth. Martin was ultimately successful at getting the bag back, but flustered that his morning reading time was disturbed by this guy and all the other wallabies and wild turkeys who were very curious about our stuff. I was laughing so hard at the cartoonish scene that I woke up Mike and couldn't even find the words to tell him what I was witnessing.

The actual Survivor events included a memory challenge, balance/endurance challenge, and 4 beach relay races. Our friend, Taffy, worked really hard making the teams, designing all the challenges, and planning the whole thing. Mike's team won and mine came in second (out of three), which I suppose is acceptable. It was a lot of fun, but now we are exhausted and having a quiet evening eating takeout ramen and petting the kitties. 

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