Thursday, March 9, 2017

Patience is a Virtue

When, substitute teaching there are lots of times where you have to come up with a solution instantaneously. It's part of the gig. 

One of my pet-peeves is schools that are disorganized, because the staff is really just making more work for themselves all the time. Every single day this week I have been in a different, but familiar school. Every one of those schools has been disorganized, even some ones that are normally on the ball. They tell me last minute or five minutes too late where I'm meant to go. Someone shows me the lesson, if there even is one, when I'm already standing in front of the children. I can handle this for a day here or there, but when it's every day, it's really annoying. It makes me look like I'm irresponsible or disorganized, when I'm the one who showed up on-time with everything I need, and then nobody was there to give me the minimal information I need to do my job properly. Or, I have the schedule and I'm ready to go to my next classroom, but then the person relieving me shows up 10 minutes late and then I look like it's my fault I'm running late when I get to the next room. I get asked to cover extra duties last minute because somebody else didn't do what they were supposed to.

I don't mind picking up the slack when it's my turn, but it's not my turn every time. I am out of patience for adults who don't have themselves organized this week.

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