Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Room

I almost forgot to write about our experience seeing The Room recently (not to be confused with Room)! It plays once a month at the Orpheum Theater, and is an interactive cult experience the same way as seeing Rocky Horror Picture Show in a theater. It's laughably the worst movie I've ever seen; you're expected to throw plastic spoons and yell at the screen all night. There are so many instances of characters coming into a scene, saying a few random lines, and then leaving. As they walk out, everyone yells, "But you just got here!". There are also terribly written, whiny one-dimensional female characters. When one of them complains and says something like, "Nobody ever listens to me", everyone yells, "Because you're a woman!". My favorite inexplicable scene was when four men in tuxedos were throwing a football in an alley, and then the next scene was completely unrelated (you never find out why they were dressed up or what they did afterwards, it's just suddenly another normal day). 

Anyway, if you get the chance to go see it, I recommend going (and bringing extra plastic spoons). I also recommend sitting a few rows from the front, because then after you run out of spoons you can collect all the ones people have thrown from behind you, and then throw more.

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