Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Michael and I have officially lived in Sydney for one month as of today. I celebrated by picking up the keys to our new apartment, even though we won't actually be staying there for a few more days, and doing a run to IKEA. 

Moving is a pain. I suppose I don't need to go into great detail about it because everyone already knows that. Moving without your own car is trickier. We have accumulated a few more things since being at Liz's place (like bikes), are having some furniture delivered, and actually set up the utilities, so it's a multi-step process. It will be good to not wake up to the sound of construction every morning though, and it will nice to be more settled. We will miss hanging out with Charlie and Liz all the time, though. We'll hopefully still see them, just not as much.

Looking back, I think we've accomplished quite a bit in one month. Michael has adjusted well to his new consulting assignment. We have already met some new friends and joined an ultimate frisbee league. We've already been able to meet up with some friends who have been traveling through. We're on a streak of having been to a beach every weekend in the last four. It's strange to think 1/24 of our theoretical time here has already disappeared  (assuming we stick to our original plan of staying for two years). Here's hoping the next 1/24 is even better.

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