Thursday, February 13, 2014

Customer Disservice

I spent two hours this morning mostly on hold and getting hung up on dealing with Comcast/Xfinity. Even though my Michael called to cancel our service before we left, there was some dispute and they were claiming we owed them money and were still not disconnected. Thank goodness for google voice - if not for them I would have a very high international phone bill.

At one point towards the end, I was both on hold with a customer service representative over the phone and speaking with one via the online chat help service. This was the end of my conversation with the chat representative:

Ana: Okay I'm hoping too Veronica.Is there anything else I can help you with?

VERONICA: yes you can stay on the line until i have received my help

Ana: Oh yes I can stay for 5 minutes only Veronica, we do have our time cut off.

VERONICA: we have been talking longer than 5 minutes

VERONICA: that's funny you don't want to wait on hold as long as you make your customers wait on hold

To which I received no further reply. I can't imagine why. Even though Comcast/Xfinity wasted 2 hours of my life I can't get back, I feel slightly validated for turning their crappy customer service against them, even if only for a passive aggressive moment. The issue was resolved very shortly after this chat conversation, I wonder if there is a correlation?  I need to find ways to do this more often with companies that give their customers the customer service runaround. 

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