Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mini Milestones

Today was the first time at swim lessons where Penelope was actually able to blow bubbles in the water. It might seem like a small thing, but it's a concept that takes little ones a really hard time to get, even if they see an adult do it fifty times. They literally have never had to blow air out of their mouths for a specific purpose, just like they don't know how to spit or blow their nose yet, so it is actually a skill to be mastered. Up until this point, the would just dip her open mouth into the water. She got really excited when she saw that there were bubbles and that she was actually making them, and then it was all she wanted to do for the rest of the class. 

Penny is the only one that hasn't missed a class yet this term, so she has actually been practicing all the skills regularly, and therefore seems to be more comfortable than a lot of the other kids doing the most of the activities. Although, she also is over-confident, so she thinks she can do whatever she wants and not listen some of the time. I wonder where she gets that, haha. A double-edged sword, it is.

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