Friday, August 23, 2019

Glow revisits Tragedy

I just started watching season three of Glow. In the first episode, the characters live through the national tragedy that was the Challenger explosion. It just made me think, how small of a tragedy that seems now, in the general scheme of the tragedies the world has been facing in the last few weeks. I was alive in 1986, but not old enough to have watched or heard what happened, so I have no personal memories about how people reacted at the time. It's not to say that the Challenger wasn't a tragedy - it was a huge tragedy, and at the time, it was a unique occurrence. There is a reason it still gets referenced. 

I had a longer post that contrasted all that with reference some of the more recent tragedies that I just erased because it was a bummer. Thank you, Glow, for reminding me of a different era. In some ways, it was simpler. In some ways, it wasn't - people still had to grapple with tragedy and find a way to move on. And that idea, oddly enough, made me feel better.

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