Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Creepy, Creeping, Sleeping In, and Vegging Out

Like many Americans, I have been watching this whole Kavanaugh ordeal on the news, curious how it will play out. John Oliver's breakdown of the hearing was my favorite of what I've heard and read (the link it just an excerpt, but the whole episode was great). Like many, it seems obvious to me that no matter what happened between Kavanaugh and any women in the 1980's, his recent behavior should disqualify him from sitting on the highest court in the land. That's all I'll say about that for now.

In more fun and interesting news, Penelope is now creeping around. I hesitate to say crawling, just because she kind of can only commando crawl short distances. She has also said her first word, "Mom" or "Mum", depending on which country you're from. I know she's saying my name as opposed to just babbling, because she specifically uses it in instances where either someone is holding her or she has been put down, and she is reaching out for me. Mike still insists that she is babbling, and that her first word is going to be Dad. Sometimes he lives in an alternate universe.

I was sick for part of the long weekend, so Mike took Penelope to brunch at our friends' while I slept in and puttered around at home. Somehow, they were gone for seven hours. Since Penelope has been born, that has happened exactly one other time, another time when I was sick and exhausted several months ago. When you're used to taking care of a baby nearly 24/7, with occasional time away here or there for a workout/grocery shopping/appointments, it's weird to spend a large chunk of time at home without her. It's too quiet. You're able to do too much of anything you choose, uninterrupted. You have privacy. It's strange. 

Now is the time of year that a ton of TV shows start up again. It always surprises me because it doesn't correspond to any particular thing that is happening here in Australia, whereas in the states it kind of corresponds to the start of the school year. So far, I'm getting back into The Good Place, This Is Us, Drunk History, and just watched the first episode of Maniac, which intrigues me and I can't wait to watch more. I'm also looking forward to The Walking Dead coming back, knowing what is theoretically coming up (from reading the comics). I don't care if the show already jumped the shark, I've invested enough time and emotion that I'm going to see it through. 

That's the latest. I'm just finishing at the same second Penelope is waking from her nap.

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