Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Same Message, Different Decade

Like many Americans, I'm nervous about election day. The system of checks and balances hasn't been working properly because the government hasn't actually been balanced for the last two years, and the US government currently resembles more of a kleptocracy. It will be interesting to see what happens to the GOP after the current president is no longer in office, whether that ens up being sooner or later. 

It's also unsettling (and unsurprising) to hear about the dire climate change report, and the fact that massive numbers of insects are dying off. This, in turn, affects further up the food chain, obviously. What bothers me more now, when I hear news about the current state of the planet, is that Penelope and her generation will be inheriting a planet that is a mess. The previous generations could and should have done more. It will be her generation's great challenge to adapt to a rapidly-changing planet. 

Anyway... I've been reminded lately of this old video (I tried to embed it, but had problems with it for some reason). It is harder to watch than I remember it being. I feel like someone could very easily make a modern version with footage of everything that has happened in the last few years. From heartbreaking events, to people pulling together to enact positive change. 

I was going to end with this video, but then I realized Robin Williams is in it, which makes it ironically depressing...

So instead, I think I have to end with this...

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