Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Average Tuesday Update

My team came in third at trivia on Monday, which sounds decent until I tell you we were first and fell from grace, as happens probably 75% of the time. 

The weather has been cooling off to a more mild/pleasant temp, which is really great so I don't have to take 2-3 showers a day to keep cool anymore, or wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm on fire.

I've been spending a lot of time lately hanging out with other mommas and mommas-to-be. Food is always involved.

I'm terrible at sleeping properly and only getting worse. After a few hours at a time I can't get comfortable anymore. Boo.

We have been re-watching Parks and Recreation all the way through again because it is quite possibly the most re-watchable series, in my humble opinion. The show ended three years ago, but it's just as poignant as ever, during these times where politics are so polarized. I think Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson's friendship, despite their polar opposite beliefs about the role of government, could save the world, or at least make it a better place. Not to mention, this recent story made me fall in love with the cast all over again.

I'm going to cook some gnocchi now, because it's delicious.

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