Sunday, May 7, 2017

Congress, go sit in a corner and think about what you've done.

Like many Americans, I have been thinking all week about the abomination of a healthcare bill that passed without being thoroughly scrutinized. Also like many Americans, I have been watching The Handmaid's Tale and thinking, sadly, we are only a few steps away from that world. And then, when the "leader" of the US met with the leader of Australia, he noted that Australia has a better healthcare system - a single-payer system where everyone gets free healthcare, affordable prescriptions, and there is no pre-existing condition nonsense. All of this is so absurd to me, I literally can't make sense of it.

This, and then there is all this silly commotion about a comedian making a lewd joke about the president, and now he's being investigated by the FCC. When a comedian can't make a joke about someone in power, whether you agree if the joke is funny or not, there is something wrong. 

The US is no longer a democracy, it is an oligarchy

While I am unhappy with the recent changes Australia has made to its immigration process, perhaps needing to stay here longer to attain citizenship isn't the worst problem to have. 

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