Sunday, May 7, 2017

Coming Soon... Europe 2017!

We are starting to get excited about our big, three week Euro trip in June, since I have been making most of the reservations. We will be going to The Netherlands, Ireland, and France for some ultimate frisbee and fun with friends. In The Netherlands, we will both be playing at a fun tournament called Windmill Windup in Amsterdam. In France, Michael will be representing on the Australian team at WCBU, which we like to think is kind of a big deal. The tournament is in Royan, and we will have one day in Bordeaux, and just an evening in Paris before we fly out. In between the tournaments, we will be getting up to some Dublin shenanigans. Between Sydney and Europe, we will be stopping in one of the best airports in the world: Singapore. 

We were last in Europe in 2012. I have been to all the countries where we will be going, over a decade ago, but we will be checking out new places in all of them. Mike has been to France, but never Ireland or The Netherlands. It will also be nice to know some Dubliners this time around, so we will have the inside scoop on where the locals hangout. Last time I was by myself and didn't know anybody.

I'm looking forward to all the fine baked goods and chocolate we're going to eat, and all the local beer and wine we are going to taste.

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