Wednesday, May 24, 2017

All Good Streaks Must End

Our trivia team had about a month where we won something every week, and that streak ended last night. I occasionally mention our trivia exploits, but I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned the fact that my current trivia team is almost entirely composed of Aussie men that are over 50, some over 60.  I actually found out recently that one of them is the boss of someone we know, which I find amusing. Mike and I had a previous team with friends closer to our age, but lately I can only get a friend to come out every few weeks, in addition to Mike, if he's not working late. The older guys invited me to play with them one night after my friends all fell through, Mike was late, and I held my own and got a higher score than their team by myself. It turns out we are good match, combining different subjects of expertise. The age difference makes for some interested differences in how we try to figure answers out, and our memories span different decades.

They're quite a friendly bunch and really welcomed me with opened arms. They still go sailing together sometimes, and we find random things to talk about - usually current events, historical events, their kids, or travel. They can be snarky with the host, or get ornery amongst themselves occasionally, but that's kind of half the fun. I don't think about it much anymore, since I've teamed up with them for over a year now, but we must look like a funny team. I assume people think I'm the daughter of one of them. 

Mike has asked if I want to search for more people closer to our age for trivia again. I said, not particularly. They guys show up more consistently than anyone our age, and they're different than all our other friends here because they're so old school. I love our frisbee friends, but it is nice to have this completely different group to hangout with once a week. I'm not opposed to other young people who want to join us, but sometimes a good thing finds you my happenstance. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

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