Sunday, September 11, 2016

Weekends are for Parks

One of our weekend highlights was almost hitting a galah with a our car. It had a death wish. I think the windshield grazed it's butt feathers before Michael slammed on the breaks and it swerved upwards. 

We were on our way up to Cattai National Park for a short, late afternoon hike.  While we were a the park we did had a wild wallaby sighting. They are so good at blending in with the natural surroundings, I don't know why they move at all when they see or hear humans. Every once in a while they freak out and start hopping around and only then do you notice them. 

We also had a delicious yum cha experience at Marigold with some friends on Sunday. We tried chicken feet and beef tendons for the first time. I don't really plan on eating either again, but I've had worse exotic things. 

We worked off the extra calories by playing some Kan Jam in the Prince Alfred Park. We happened to set up near some people who were playing Quidditch. I'm not sure which game looked more unusual to onlookers. 

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