Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Walkabout Prep

While Michael has been working in Brisbane the last few days and I am off work because it's school holidays, I have been helping him prep for his upcoming Overland Track adventure by hoarding freeze-dried food and supplies. He'll be going with two friends and the trek in Tasmania will last six days and cover 78km. It will definitely be the most intense backpacking trip any of them has done, so I'm interested to see the pictures and hear the stories when they come back.

I chose not to go on the trip to save myself some shoulder pain (I can tolerate a 2-4 day trip; I draw the line there now), and because I have been hiking in Tasmania some already. The longest backpacking trip I ever did was about as long as the one they're doing (time-wise, but not distance-wise), in Olympic National Park in Washington, and I was almost 10 years younger then. 

While I enjoy the moments I have been immersed in nature, like when we hiked the Milford Track in NZ or went canoe camping in Kangaroo Valley, I am quite content to watch a movie here on the couch, pet the cats, sip my tea, and sleep in my own soft bed at night. I used to really crave outdoor adventure as much as Michael does. Now that I've lived through a few, I still enjoy a good adventure every once in a while, but I don't feel like I need to go seek them out (partially because Michael often finds them for me now). I suppose that might sound like I'm getting old and boring, but I don't feel that old and that boring yet. I've still got lots of adventure left in me, I just also happen to really appreciate the wonders of indoor plumbing and food refrigeration. 

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