Friday, April 8, 2016

Nothing Gold Can Stay (TWD spoiler alert)

I finally finished the Hulu miniseries of 11-22-63. As is usually the case, the book was better than the show. They cut out a lot of parts that I liked, and added some things I didn't find necessary.  I was surprised that they chose James Franco for the main character; I wonder how it would have been with a different actor. Anyway, it was still entertaining enough and better than a lot of the TV that's out there right now. 

Speaking of TV, lots of people are hating on the season finale of The Walking Dead for ending on a big cliffhanger. As someone who has read the comics, I was prepared for something big this episode, and I don't think it delivered as much as some of the earlier episodes in the season or past season finales. The directors were trying so hard to play with the audience's expectations that the storytelling fell short. The whole draw of the story is that you are on an intense journey with these characters; you feel like you are a survivor in the group too. Changing the point of view so that we don't know what happened is like telling a kid they have to go to bed while everyone else gets to stay up and eat dessert. We were a part of it all and now suddenly we're not, and it doesn't seem fair. 

I'm still a fan and I will keep watching to see where it all goes, but kind of with the understanding that the show has probably already peaked. I like the addition of Negan, as well as the kingdom, so there's still some potential. They also need to straighten out Carol. She was so lame in the beginning, then she became this dynamic hero, and now she's pathetic again. What kind of arc is that?! Another disappointing one. TWD, sort yourselves out. 

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