Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Daily Grind

No time was wasted getting back to work subbing the first day or the new term. It was 100 degrees (no exaggeration - unusual for this time of year) and the AC was broken. Then, when it was time to take the class to the library to seek refuge, the library was inexplicably closed. This is the fourth or fifth time I've been supposed to take a class to the library at this school and it was suddenly cancelled; only once have I ever successfully taken a class there. Half the time the librarian's on leave, and when he's actually there it's not unusual for him to suddenly close the library for the day without explanation. If you're a school librarian, your job is mostly working with the kids and partially organization of materials. If you're "organizing" the library more than people are using it, you're doing something wrong. 

Anyway, as I mentioned, it has been unseasonably, unreasonably warm. When we left for the states a few weeks ago, on average the high temp of the day was in the low 70's. All of a sudden it's about 100 three days in a row. I'm not a fan... no pun intended. It's supposed to go back to normal soon, thank goodness. Hopefully day two back will run a little more smoothly. 

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