Friday, July 10, 2015

Ticket to Ride

Perhaps re-watching Parks and Recreation subliminally inspired me, but made arrangements for us to visit Yosemite National Park during our trip back to the states in September. Michael and I love the national parks and are want to see as many of them as we can. Yes, we own the National Parks Passport and collect the stamps. Between this, seeing Lake Tahoe for the first time, enjoying attending a wedding with friends, and seeing our friends and family back home, these next two months cannot pass fast enough. 

I've been away from the states for a year straight at this point; the longest ever for me. It'll be nice to go back when the weather of both places will kind of match up. Last time I went back from the middle of winter in Australia to the middle of summer in the states. Early spring here will be sort of similar to early fall back home, I think. 

On an unrelated note, since Michael and I go to boardgame nights semi-regularly, I have found a new game I love: Sheriff of Nottingham. It's a game that involves bribery, mind games, deception, and lie-detecting, and leads to a lot of laughs. It's also simple enough that you could play it with people that are not necessarily gamers. This game has shown me that I am at best an average liar, but I am really good at detecting when other people are lying. Michael is the opposite; he is pretty good at lying, but bad at detecting when others are lying. 

Add this to the list of reasons we know Michael's brain works very differently from mine. I'm left-handed/ambidextrous, he's a righty. I can visualize anything in my mind's eye, and he does not think visually at all. I often think in words, like an internal monologue, he doesn't. Brains are so interesting. 

Mmmm... brains... I have no way of bringing this post full circle so I'll just end it here :)

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