Friday, February 27, 2015

The Preparation Begins

You know when you plan a trip months in advance and then all of a sudden it's almost time to go and you can't believe it? That's happening. 

Next week we will be in New Zealand. Michael is leaving this weekend for a frisbee tournament down in Melbourne, then flying straight from there to Wellington for work, where I will meet him after a few days. From there we will head to the South Island and go on one of the great walks, among hopefully other fun outdoor things. So when Michael packs tonight, he'll need to pack for a frisbee tournament, work, and backpacking. That's too many things. I'll probably bring most of the backpacking stuff when I come later, but still, there's lots of forward thinking that has to go into this packing. 

I'm looking forward to a little vacation. Although, we were travelling in Asia not that long ago, so it doesn't feel like I've earned another one quite yet. Michael certainly has earned it though. Anyway, this will be a "roughing it" trip. Other than the hotel where we're staying in Wellington (that Michael's work is paying for) and the hotel the last two nights we're in Queenstown, we'll be staying in hostels and shared dorms and cabins, and cooking our own simple meals.

There was an interview I listened to a few months ago between Ed Helms and Chris Hardwick where Ed Helms talks about this rafting trip he did on the Colorado River with family and friends. He talks about how they were just completely surrounded by nature and off the grid, camping together and singing songs around the fire at night for I think a week or two. He talks about how it kind of gave him this inner peace that he still has, and Chris Hardwick asks if Ed thinks that the magic will just eventually wear off. Ed Helms says no, he thinks he is changed forever from the experience.

Hearing him say that made me think about the times that I have felt like that, on a smaller scale. I'm hoping that the trek portion of this trip will be like that - that it will give me inner peace to feed off during the times that I am annoyed and angry with society. Perhaps my hopes are too high, we will see. Regardless, it will be a cool trip even if it doesn't "change" me.

The preparation begins.

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