Monday, January 26, 2015

Coastal Track

From Saturday to Sunday we did the Coastal Track in Royal National Park. We took the train to Cronulla, the ferry from Cronulla to Bundeena, and then hike the whole 26km, stopping overnight at the North Era Campground along the way. There was a lot of variety in the terrain, from rocky clifftops to sandy beaches, to rolling green hillsides, to palm forest. 

The start...

Lunch break

About 1/6th of the way into our hike the first day, I mildly twisted my ankle, which is why Michael carried both of our bags for a little while afterwards (as you can see in the pictures). 

At one point, several kilometers in and surrounded by vegetation, we thought we were far from civilization. All of a sudden we started hearing voices - not just a few other hikers coming up the trail, but quite a din. We rounded the corner and found ourselves at Wattamolla, where a few hundred Australians were enjoying their Australia day weekend sunbathing, swimming and floating, and BBQing. There were some cliffs (I'm estimating they were 35 ft. above the water) where lots of people were jumping, and Michael couldn't resist the urge to go too.   

Eagle Rock Lookout

- End of Day 1 - 

We woke up here (It's hard to see the tents in the valley on the left side of the photo)

One thing that nobody warned us about, nor any of the websites we read to prepare, was that there is one segment of the hike toward the end in the palm forest where there are little LEECHES. We found a few inching up our boots when we stopped for a minute. Having seen Stand By Me as a child, I was horrified and disgusted. We thought we removed them all, but an hour or two later I found two hitchhikers on me, and was even more disgusted. I checked myself, boots, and gear thoroughly about 50 more times and immediately washed all our clothes once we got home, but I'm still kind of afraid one will just appear in the apartment in the next few days, and I will just have to set fire to everything we own and salt the ashes. 

We were supposed to go out on a friend's boat today, but the outing unfortunately was canceled since it's rainy. 

Happy Australia Day!

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