Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sharp Objects and The Half Parathon

It was a mostly quiet week, with Penelope getting over her cold/cough, and Michael working long hours on a big project for work. The only thing worth noting is that a friend who moved to Perth is visiting town this weekend with her three-month-old daughter. We got to hangout with them a little bit, which was nice.

I finished watching Sharp Objects. It was slow to start, but once it got rolling I got into it. It wins for new show with the most psychologically messed-up characters. I hadn't also read the book, but those that I know who read it said that it was a pretty solid portrayal of the story. 

This weekend was "The Half Parathon", which our friends host and run annually. It's a half marathon, but it's broken up over several stops (running in approx. 5k chunks) throughout the afternoon. Mike ran it for the first time, and Penelope and I met up with him and our friends at two of the stops. Conveniently, the route ran right down our street, so I put a sign up on our balcony that said "KEEP RUNNING!". Both Mike and PJ fell asleep by 7:30PM and I'm the only one still awake - very unusual. I'm used to being the only one awake at 2AM after I feed Penelope and she falls back asleep, but not this early.

For some reason it feels like Sunday night, even though it's Saturday. That pleasantly surprised feeling of having one more day to the weekend is much preferred to when the weekend doesn't feel long enough. 

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