Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Muppets and Babies and Muppet Babies

Part of having a young baby is trying to get them onto at least a rough schedule. It's good for them to have predictability a lot of the time, so they can build trust in the people and in the world around them, and it helps them nap and sleep better because their drowsiness will get cued by the regular activities that come before it. I am pretty good at keeping things consistent for Penelope. I usually plan our little outings around when she naps, or try to time it so that she falls asleep in the pram.  It's one of the most gratifying, boring things you can do as a new parent, and it allows you to maximise my time when baby is asleep to do other things. When Penelope has three good naps in a day, and goes to sleep at a reasonable time, I give myself a pat on the back. 

When Michael has a few hours with her, he wants to take her on adventures. He is not concerned about getting her to nap, since he figures she will sleep when she needs to. He trusts that in the end, no matter the smaller day-to-day details, Penelope will end up okay. He finds nothing more boring and tedious than staying home just for the sake of following a schedule.

When it comes to parenting, I am an order Muppet, Michael is a chaos Muppet. In other situations, or around different groups of people, I am a chaos Muppet and Michael is an order Muppet. For example, I am a chaos Muppet when it comes to producing creative art, following inspiration and a more organic process, while Michael will plan and even strategise or write up spreadsheets before putting pen to paper. Then afterwards, he will categorise the work he has done and display it flawlessly. I am the Jackson Pollock, and he is the Da Vinci. In any case, there are benefits to both points of view in different circumstances. 

But, back to us parenting Muppets. Tomorrow is the first day Michael will be with Penelope all day while I substitute teach. This will not be a regular affair, but something I might occasionally do when we are able to pull it off. I have not taught in about seven months, so it will be interesting be get back into it. It's weird now, to spend a day with a bunch of other people's kids and not my own. Will Penelope eat and nap well when I'm out? I hope so, but I expect that their day will follow a different course. 

The question is, what kind of Muppet will Penelope become?

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