Saturday, September 1, 2018

6 Months

As of today, Penelope is officially six months old. Most of the time she is smiling and has so much energy she can't stop kicking. She loves jumping in her bouncer and swimming with Mom or Dad. She can roll over like a champ, and she her eye-hand coordination is getting better everyday. She is starting to eat solid foods and guzzles water from her sippy cups. Her hair remains fabulous, but less spikey than it was in the first few months. She gets FOMO and can't sleep if she knows there is fun to be had. Sometimes she naps, haha. Penelope gets really excited when our cats come close, but she is still learning how to pet them gently. She has already taken her first flight (to the Gold Coast), and been to a few different beaches. She has been to the Sydney Harbour area, her first Vivid Festival, and taken a ferry to Cockatoo Island. She has mingled with native wildlife at Centennial Parklands and The Basin. She has a few different baby friends around town, as well as few grown up fans (like the people at the local coffee shop that literally dance because she is always smiling at them). The weekly farmers market and Facetiming grandparents are regular affairs. She is already an ultimate frisbee groupie. I could keep rambling about her all day, but she's just woken up from her nap, and it's time to be active. Life with Penny has been far from boring, and we are enjoying life with the little firecracker.

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