Tuesday, August 29, 2017

GOT Season 7 Finale - No Spoilers

Game of Thrones! I actually left trivia early so we could watch the season finale last night (an incredibly rare thing I would not usually do), and we are actually going to watch it again tonight with some friends to kind of think about it a little more and just talk about our reactions.  

I have to say, there were some scenes that were very satisfying to watch. There were certain characters that you had wanted to see interact for the first time in a long time. Perhaps what was so satisfying was that just about every character acted true to their nature, flaws and strengths. There also weren't ravens that flew at hundreds of miles per hour, or any timeline ridiculousness in this one.

Anyway, I guess we'll be on tenterhooks for the next two or so years, while they film the epic last season.

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