Saturday, August 5, 2017

Drumroll Please

...And the award for disappointing corporation of the week goes to: United Airlines. I know, I know, everyone already knew they were terrible when they dragged a doctor off the flight that they overbooked. 

They get the award from me this week for upgrading us to business class on an upcoming flight and then demoting us back down a week later because they decided after the fact that the upgrade wasn't valid. It's stupid because I would have been happy with our original booking if none of this had ever happened. But now, I am unhappy with the service I originally paid for, because they deceptively acted like they were showering us with gifts and giving us something extra, and then they took it away. Here's a tip, United, fix your computer system so it doesn't give people upgrades you aren't willing to honor, or honor those upgrades when you make the mistake.

I know, I know, it is far from the end of the world to have to sit in economy or economy plus when you have to fly for 24 hours. We are lucky to be able to afford to fly back once a year to see our family. We are lucky to call two great countries our homes. We are lucky for lots of reasons, and after I have my mild tantrum, our lives will go on. 

But today, United, you are on my excrement list. This isn't helping your already damaged customer service reputation.

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