Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lost in Translation

Today was one of those days at work where I feel like I did a lot of good things at work- better than an average day. But, I also feel like I had a few things happen that made it look like I was screwing up, to the people who weren't actually watching me all day. For example, in the morning I was told I was going to be on one classroom, then I was told by another person to go to a different one, and then the original person told me to go to another classroom. I went to the classroom I had most recently been told to go to and did my job. Then I got a call over the loud speaker to call the office; I called and there had been some misunderstanding about what classroom I was supposed to be in (I wonder why). The person moving me around hadn't communicated the changes to other people, but it ultimately got sorted out. When I told the teacher (who thought I was supposed to cover for her) what had happened, she said, "It's okay", but didn't seem convinced. The whole ordeal wasn't my fault, but it think it seemed to other people like I as doing the wrong thing. 

Even one kid that knows me came up to me and said, "Whoa, that was embarrassing that they called you over the loud speaker, and even said your first name!" Thanks kid. I wasn't embarrassed before. Then I saw her again at the end of the day with her friends and she told her friends how embarrassing it was for me to have my name called over the speaker. Thanks, kid, I was hoping everyone had forgotten about it by now. No dice.

Anyway, you win some, you lose some. Speaking of winning and losing, we got to stream the World Ultimate Championships USA vs. Australia men's game live (from London). It's amazing what you can do with a phone and an AppleTV these days. Australia put up one hell of a fight at the beginning, but the USA pulled away in the middle. It was really cool to see a high level game where we personally knew a bunch of people on both sides; Michael had played with and against more of them than I had, though. We're enjoying all the updates from our friends who are over there representing Australia, The US, and a few other countries. 

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