Sunday, June 26, 2016

Entertainment 720

Friday, we saw Heathers, the musical, at the Sydney Opera House. I can confidently say that it is the worst play I have seen in the last 5 years, and possibly ever. I had seen the original movie, so I knew the story was a little odd. But, the music was just terrible, the dialogue was pretty low-brow, and the set/props were not conducive to good storytelling. I expected more from an opera house production. 

Other than that we have been watching a lot of WUGC (for those of you that don't know, the world ultimate frisbee championships) streaming this weekend. The US teams played incredibly and won gold in every division. The Australian teams also did very well, bringing home a silver and two bronze. It was very exciting to watch games where both teams were comprised of people we had played with and against. It's cool that we are able to watch these games at all through the power of the internet; just ten years ago this wasn't an option and you would just find out after the fact how your team(s) did. 

Last, but not least, we got our fingerprints done as part of our background checks we need to apply for permanent residency here. It has been a quiet, but somewhat productive weekend. 

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