Friday, April 10, 2015

Throwback Thursday and Friday

I recently rewatched 9 to 5 (the last time I saw it was maybe 10 years ago?). It is stranger than I remember, since I apparently didn't remember the whole last half of the movie at all. Anyway, Dolly Parton was pretty great before she went way overboard on the plastic surgery, and Lily Tomlin is still as awesome as she was back then. She has aged quite gracefully and is still funny. 

I also watched Elsa and Fred with Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer, which was cuter in idea than in the actual execution. I like the idea of a love story between older people. There were just some strange parts that weren't entirely believable, like when they would get into arguments and make up really quickly even though the problem wasn't resolved, or how they were just supposedly so enamoured with each other all of a sudden even though they didn't look like they had the chemistry yet. It had a kind of cute ending, though. Spoiler alert: there's a part where they're in Rome, which was a nice reminder of Michael's and my honeymoon. It was nice to see the Trevi Fountain again. Now I just need some gelato.

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