Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekend Warrior

Saturday a group of frisbee friends and I started our ride heading west around 10AM. We started with four people, but met up with more as we went along until we had about nine. One place that we kind of went by/through was Flemington Market, which is really a collection of large markets. It was chaos. When you go there, you don't really feel like you're in Australia anymore, you feel like you're somewhere in Asia. I'd like to go back another time when I have more time to wander. Another stop I enjoyed was the Concordia Club. The Concordia club has croquet courts, and even though the kitchen was closed they had still had cakes/pastries and good pretzels. I left the group around 4:30PM after biking about 33km, since we were close to Tempe, the last stop we would be near that is on my train line. 

Saturday night I finally checked out Chauvel Cinemas on Oxford St. and saw Predestination.  It was good enough since I was in the mood for a Sci Fi movie, but I could have just as easily re-watched 12 Monkeys. The theater was okay, but didn't meet the high expectations the internet reviews gave me. I'll probably go back at some point to see some foreign or independent films, since it's about a 15 minute walk from home. They did have good popcorn that they cook with olive oil. They also have fancy cheese plates and things like that to eat before or during your movie. 

Speaking of eating, our cats are really cute when they aren't digging in the garbage or trying to break into the pantry.

Unfortunately, this morning they were not cute. I woke up to find out that the cats, primarily Ninja, had broken into the pantry and ransacked the Weet-Bix and oatmeal, of all things. 

They were punished and not given breakfast. Ordinarily they beg for food, but right away they knew they weren't getting any. Ninja had a tummy ache for a little while anyway, so I hope he learned his lesson. 

The last few weeks we have had frisbee practice in picturesque parks along the water, just by luck of what fields were available. Last week we were at Rushcutters Bay Park and today we were at Lyne Park at Rose Bay. It's nice to be somewhere with nice views for a change, but it does mean the parks are more crowded and random people and dogs just walk onto the field all the time without paying attention. Today the highlight was one of our teammates stopping these kids from bullying another kid  (they were pushing him down and kicking him - who does that?!) just a few feet from where we were circled up discussing things. 

While I have been doing all this stuff, Michael has been back in the states working, driving my car, climbing at the gym, having boardgame nights with our friends, talking like a pirate, and spending quality time with the family. His brother and family came down to Maryland from New York to hangout with him for the weekend. Even though our nephew is 2 1/2 and we thought he might forget us, being gone so long, Max seemed pretty happy to see him. I wish it was easier for us to see our family, but living so far away just means we have to make the most of the times we do get to see them. 

This post is long enough. 


  1. We miss you too Aunt Ronny. Michael has helped Max assemble a world map. Dan taught Max to say Ronny is in 'Stralia and pointed out the location on the map.
