Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The September Scoop

This past weekend we went to Regionals with our frisbee team. It was a lot of fun playing with them despite the cold rain that graced us during yet another tournament. We won some, we lost some. Michael's brand new jersey is already permanently mud-stained. The tournament directors made a silly error in scheduling and communication, so they bought our whole team Pat and Stick's ice cream sandwiches. They were delicious. Apparently the company is owned by ultimate players.

Michael is again back in Adelaide working. I went to trivia solo again this week and teamed up with an older dude who was sitting at the bar. We did slightly better than I did the last time I was by myself, and I won a special round and earned three free drink vouchers. So far, going without anybody from my team, I have a 100% success rate at winning at least something. 

At the end of the week Michael and I are going to checkout Jenolan Caves. We aren't going to just be walking through with an audiotour like you do at Luray, we're getting geared out and doing the Plughole Adventure. Who doesn't love enclosed spaces?! It's probably going to be terrifying. We've only had one other spelunking adventure in Costa Rica and were given barely any gear and a guide that spoke barely any English. I'm hoping and expecting this to be better. 

[Sentence that sums everything up and ends the post poignantly]

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