Monday, November 18, 2019

Transitioning from AUS to USA.

It's a strange time to live in our apartment. Every day, furniture disappears. Today, Penny went to where our food cabinet used to be, asking for a cookie, and she was so confused that the whole cabinet was gone - frantically looking for a handle on the side of the kitchen counter. Our fridge is gone. So is the washer. It's really bare bones here now. And yet, still having a couch, TV, and bed, it just feels like there's probably the right amount of furniture here now (minus the appliaances), and we were probably just way beyond full before. I'm not cooking anymore, since we can't save anything. It's mostly take-out city and peanut butter sandwiches. 

We had a fun going away party on Saturday, and there were a lot of little kids running around. I think we did The Good Weekend Quiz with a record number of participants. It was really fabulous all around, and surprisingly, I did not shed any tears. 

We have said most of our goodbyes at this point, and we are just doing the final things like canceling utilities, donating the last furniture, and packing our final bags. The cats get picked up tomorrow to start their journey before us. They will stop for a day in Doha, to time their arrival to be a day after ours. 

I played my last ultimate frisbee here yesterday, and Mike will likely play his on Tuesday. It has been a big part of our lives and how we were able to make so many wonderful friends, and even find places to live. 

I'm trying to process the transition. One big part of our lives is ending and another is beginning. I'm excited to go back to the familiar, friends, and family, but at the same time it's a new phase for our family, which is kind of contradictory. Overall, I'm very grateful we have had the opportunity to live here and become citizens. 

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